Saturday, October 3, 2009


I had no idea how a c-section could be a positive birth experience. I have thought for way to long about the pain involved because that is what I have previously been through. This time I was given a gift. A gift of great nurses and doctors. A gift of an anesthesiologist who let Kevin be in the room from the prep of my spinal all the way to the birth without having to leave. A gift of this same doctor dropping the drape and lifting my head up to watch our new baby being brought into this world. A gift of this same doctor moving things around so I could see the nurses clean up Levi to take my mind off being put back together. I got to see him come out. I felt like a mother in that sterile room, not just a patient being cut open. I thank God for answering prayers given by my friends and family over the past few days and weeks for this to be a positive birth experience for me. I still have pain but it is bearable because I can hold my beautiful son and praise God for the many gifts He has given me so far through this amazing life experience.


Erica said...

Oh, Amy Jo, God is so good. I specifically prayed that your experience would be a great one...that He would surprise you with a experience you weren't expecting. I am so glad He blessed you in this way! I will continue to pray for speedy healing and low pain! Can't wait to see Levi!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Amy Jo! I am so glad everything went so wonderful for you and Kevin. Praising and celebrating with you. Love ya,

Laura said...

With big smile on my face, all I can say is AMEN! What a good God we serve! :) You deserve this gift - you really do!